Open Offer - Post tendering phase

Name of the Target Company*India Radiators Limited
ISIN of Target Company*INE461Y01016
Corporate Identity Number (CIN) of Target company*L27209TN1949PLC000963
Permanent Account Number (PAN) of Target Company*AAACI1448M
Number of fully paid up shares acquired in offer*2920Total Percentage of Fully Paid Shares acquired*0.32%
Number of partly paid up shares acquired in offer0Total Percentage of Partly Paid Shares acquired0.00%
Offer price per fully Paid up share*6
Offer price per Partly Paid up share0
Date of payment/settlement*09-05-2024
Consideration paid in open offer ( Rs. In Million)*0.02
Detail of interest paid due to delay in payment (Amount)*0
Post offer shareholding of Acquirer and PAC (Number of Shares)*348622Post offer shareholding of Acquirer and PAC (in %)*38.73%
Date Of Submission*17-05-2024
NotesConsideration paid in Open Offer is Rs.17,520/- (2920 number of shares * Rs.6 per share).